Accurate payroll ready on time

Easily collect payroll data, communicate effectively with your clients and secure the preparation process

un paie dans les temps
experts comptables, faites équipe avec lucca

Team up with Lucca

You are a payroll specialist? We combine the best of our mutual expertise to deliver together the best payroll experience.

Lucca helps you eliminate time-consuming everyday tasks, while improving your customer relations. At the same time, you increase customer loyalty and attract new ones.

Payroll manager and HR manager united in payroll

Collect, check and transfer your clients' HR data to your ERP system

Centralize with Lucca all the data you need to produce your clients' payroll, without having to ask them for it. You no longer need to exchange information by email, the payroll preparation process is finally efficient.


Absences, variables, employee data: Lucca centralizes all up-to-date data.


A checklist to help you verify the accuracy of the information.


One-click or file-based data transfer.

Une interface de paie commune

Stay in touch with your customer

A shared interface for error-free operation:

  • A schedule showing the main payroll preparation deadlines that you have agreed with your client
  • A list of pre-established payroll preparation tasks. You can create them automatically according to changes made during the period, or manually.

A dedicated team assisting you with your projects


You remain the first point of contact for your client. Lucca takes care of the rest: demonstration, contractualization, deployment and support.

Offer and sales promotion

Access to Lucca’s knowledge base: fact sheets, tutorials and communication tools.

Tools & Support

Access to a portal with all your clients’ portfolio and their HRIS environment. Additional you have access to Lucca’s dedicated team helping you for daily ticketing.

Partners Club

Invitation to partner days and preview access to new products.